The International Trends and Services Facet (ITS) of the Brunswick (GA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated each year partners with Helping Hugs, Inc. to help facilitate their annual medical mission to Cotes de Fer, Haiti where medical care and medications are provided to impoverished villagers in the surrounding area.

The ITS Facet each year collects items for and packs at least 100 “Survival Kits” filled with toiletries destined for poverty-stricken women and girls in Haiti. These kits are distributed to patients during the yearly medical mission to Cotes de Fer, Haiti. The Facet has partnered with Helping Hugs, Inc. to help with packing, shipping, and distributing these kits. This year the Facet also enlisted the help of local high school clubs who collected a large number of items for the Survival Kits.

The ITS Facet also carries out a yearly medical mission to Sunyani, Ghana where medical care and medications are provided to the villagers outside of Sunyani, Ghana who have little access to medical care.

Locally the ITS facet is involved with a LIFE Program that introduces high school students to international business and foreign affairs while encouraging our community students to consider attending the local College of Coastal Georgia (CCGA). As an incentive to students who participate in the LIFE program and then attend CCGA, a student who meets this criterion is selected to travel with the Links’ medical mission team to Sunyani, Ghana, and participate with the team during the mission. This provides a rewarding and memorable service-learning opportunity for the student.
The Brunswick (GA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated – International Trends & Services facet was pleased to be a recipient of the service grant from hello Goodbuy of Brunswick, Georgia. Your support of the work of the Internal Trends & Services facet is greatly appreciated!